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The health care payment system pays physicians more when they provide more services.  KCDocs4U practices are leading the change locally to pay physicians based on how well their patients do.   KCDocs4U providers seek contracts that reward outcomes.  We monitor quality and cost data to better understand our performance.

KCDocs4U providers are conveniently mapped so you can find care close to your home, work or school.

KCDocs4U practices are independent small businesses with significant positive impact on the local economy.  Independent means they are not owned by a health system or other large corporation.  When independent practices sell to hospitals, many other local businesses suffer - like suppliers, information technology companies, banks and professional services firms.

Good medical care doesn’t have to be expensive

KCDocs4U was created to empower patients with information about quality and cost-conscious health care providers.  KCDocs4U practices are moving away from the outdated system that rewards excessive medical care.   These practices are focused on achieving the best outcomes possible without unnecessary expense.  Our providers follow protocols with a track record of success.  They practice in outpatient settings where costs are lower.  They are independent small businesses that understand value and consumerism.  KCDocs4U is a perfect match for savvy shoppers looking to minimize out-of-pocket health care costs. KCDocs4U is a dedicated group of independent physicians focused on quality health care at affordable prices.

  • 250 physicians and other providers
  • 52 medical practices
  • 82 locations

High deductible plans and health savings accounts require patients to pay attention to the cost of their care.  It’s your health, your money, and your choice to seek care from quality and cost-conscious providers.  The best care does not have to be the most expensive.

Kerri Craven
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